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National Coming Out Day

Today is National Coming Out Day #LGBT

National Coming Out Day Congratulations to the brave people in the world who will choose to come out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender today. October 11 is National Coming Out Day. Sometimes we are hated for the color of our skin or our beliefs, people will see you and …

Behind the Scenes | Gay CosPlayer Michael Hamm is the Inspiration for Quinn McAlester

I’ve always been inspired by the cosplay and other superhero awesomeness portrayed by the super-handsome gay geek Michael Hamm. Thus, it seemed only natural to model one of the main characters, Quinn McAlester, after him as thanks for inspiring so many of us to enjoy what we love. Quinn is a …

Check out the Spotify Playlist for THE CLIMB

In honor of The Climb’s release, I’ve created an exclusive treat for Spotify* users. Check out the official playlist of The Climb, an LGBT coming-of-age novel written by me. This story’s main character, Skyler Phoenix, curated this special playlist for you to enjoy. *Requires a Spotify Account If you’re interested …