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young adult novel

Behind the Scenes | Gay CosPlayer Michael Hamm is the Inspiration for Quinn McAlester

I’ve always been inspired by the cosplay and other superhero awesomeness portrayed by the super-handsome gay geek Michael Hamm. Thus, it seemed only natural to model one of the main characters, Quinn McAlester, after him as thanks for inspiring so many of us to enjoy what we love. Quinn is a …

The Guardians Series: A Tale of Unexpected Teenage Super Heroes and Villains

The Guardians Series Type: Young Adult Superhero Series Genre: Science Fiction, Urban Fiction, and Superhero Buy the books now! The Guardians Series is the story of Quinn McAlester and his best friend Blake Hargreaves, high school classmates who acquire super powers through a freak accident. Quinn is a mildly popular, in-the-closet gay and …