Quinn and Blake’s Superhero Adventure Continues

Today, I’m proud to release Unidentified Phenomenon, the next book in the exciting Guardians superhero series. What makes this series unique is it’s LGBTQ focus, allowing for a gay superhero to rise above his surroundings and become who he needs to be, as both a gay youth and a super-powered individual.

There are too few examples of LGBTQ superheroes in popular media today and most of those are retconned or made LGBTQ with new storylines. For example, DC Comics relaunched the Green Lantern as a gay superhero in 2012. In Star Trek Beyond, Hikaru Sulu was revealed to be gay. You can read about a few other examples here. Putting what the rest of the world does aside, I set out to write my own story, and I’m proud to share part two with the world today.


As the excitement of Quinn and Blake’s newfound super powers grows, so does the harsh reality of responsibility and conspiracy around them. After saving lives, Quinn discovers the rejection of city authorities who lash out against vigilantism while Blake secretly exercises swift justice and becomes further entangled with Victor Kraze and the mysterious organization he works for.

UNIDENTIFIED PHENOMENON is the second book of the GUARDIANS series. GUARDIANS is a fun superhero/urban fiction novel series based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. With lovable characters, exciting action, memorable moments, and unexpected twists, GUARDIANS is sure to delight all fans of the genre.

Grab your copy today!

Image: Portsmouth’s new superhero flies into down over the Memorial Bridge. Photo by Timothy Chapman. Used with permission.

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